"A Hailerz challenge winner demonstrating the Twale greeting."
4 months ago"Twale to all Hailerz! I have incorporated all that Hailerz embodies, including it's brand identity into this design."
6 months ago"4 images of surreal artwork with African tribal elements and cyborg imagery. My Instagram handle is @kk_da_rg"
8 months ago"Hi fellow Hailerz! I'm Khalala from South Africa. My Entry: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ulu1fcqwibe44akfoe4we/Hailerz-V-Day.mp4?rlkey=67lom8vlpwgjssbc0rikavpw0&dl=0"
9 months ago"Hi Hailerz fam this is my blog entry: https://myhailerz.wordpress.com/2024/02/02/hailerz-weekly-challenges/"
9 months agoUploading video file, please be patient.