Taiwo Nikemi Balogun

Challenges Participated1

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Taiwo Nikemi Balogun commented on the challenge Hailerz Voiceover Challenge

8 months ago

Taiwo Nikemi Balogun commented on the challenge Hailerz Voiceover Challenge

"Here is my entry to the Voiceover Challenge: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2G_cEWoHJZ/?igsh=MTVlbHhpZmVjOWdhdw=="

8 months ago

Taiwo Nikemi Balogun commented on the challenge Hailerz Story Writing Challenge

"Here is my entry for the Story writing challenge. https://www.instagram.com/p/C1mx72tIEk3/?igsh=MXJhMmZ0a3c1Y3ltMw=="

8 months ago

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